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​Beijing's Yanqing district ready for Labor Day travel rush

来源:Cosmic Compass news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 19:03:16

Yanqing in spring. [photo provided to] 

As the Labor Day holiday is around the corner, northwestern Beijing's Yanqing district is prepared to welcome tourists with colorful activities including skydiving, chopper rides, spring outing, enjoying flowers, special food, agricultural experience and night tour.

The Beijing Expo Park in Yanqing. [photo provided to]

Yanqing, reputed as a back garden and summer resort for Beijing's city proper, has a cluster of scenic spots including the Great Wall, Yanqing Baili Landscape Gallery, Yudu Mountains, Wild Duck Lake Natural Reserve and the Beijing Expo Park, where tourists can go camping and mountain climbing and enjoy local cuisine.

Yanqing will hold the annual Strawberry Music Festival in the Beijing Expo Park during the Labor Day holiday, which will present a carnival of rock, pop and folk.

Badaling Airport. [photo provided to]

For thrill-seeking Chinese travelers, Badaling Airport is a must to go in Yanqing, where tourists can experience parachute jumping, skydiving and chopper rides. From the sky, people will have an aerial view of the Great Wall, mountain flowers and the Guanting Reservoir.

Chopper ride at the Badaling Airport. [photo provided to]

Starry sky, night view of the Badaling Great Wall, cozy homestay and unique delicacies will also lure tourists to find fun and excitement in the coming holiday.

A homestay inn in Yanqing. [photo provided to]

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